Manage Marking Schemes

You can group assessments in the curriculum hierarchy to enable a cumulative, grouped result to be included in the calculation for a course outcome result, so that assessments can contribute to a course outcome either as single stand-alone assessments or via a cumulative group.

This is done through the application of a marking scheme rule that applies to a set of one or more assessments to be used when calculating the accumulative result.

Note: Only assessments that do not have Must Pass selected can be included in marking scheme groupings and only these will be shown for selection when adding assessments to marking schemes.

The predefined marking scheme types that can be specified for a group of assessments are listed below:

Note the following when considering marking schemes:

Note: It is in the marking scheme section that weightings for both grouped and single assessments are set. It is important to note that if the correct weightings are not applied to both grouped and single assessments, the expected course outcome grades cannot be calculated when the relevant learner assessments are marked.

Using the Marking Scheme functionality, you can: